Speaker Information
As one of the organisers, Hannah, I wanted to thank you so much for being part of the Better Business Summit and taking two minutes to read the below.
As Business Leaders I truly believe we have a responsibility and the power to make the world a better place. You providing your time and expertise is invaluable in making this happen, and is truly appreciated.
Your audience can use the code SPEAKER25 to get 25% off any full price ticket
THIS WEEK: We will send you bespoke speaker social media images. Please use #BBS24 as the event hashtag and tag us on LinkedIn and Twitter so we can also share your posts. Please do not post anything about your involvement until Thursday 30th November. Your audience will be able to use the code SPEAKER25 to get 25% off any full price ticket
THIS WEEK: If you are able to record a video or need AV or additional support at the event we will get in touch.
The Better Business Summit is open to all Business Leaders. Your audience and connections don’t need to join the Better Business Network to attend the Better Business Summit.
To learn more about the impact and sustainability policies of the Better Business Summit read our info pack. If you have any additional questions or support queries about the Summit or how to get involved, fill in the Contact Form.